Welcome to our blog!

I have decided to start a blog as a way to keep the people we love up to date on what is happening in our lives. Really, it's a way for me to keep friends and family in the loop on what is going on with our son, Maddox. Being that everyone is scattered all over the place, I felt that this might be the best way. I will try to keep things as up to date as possible. Feel free to visit, leave comments or completely ignore it. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Maddox's 1st Birthday Party

The invitations went out a while ago (I made them myself and was pretty proud of it). Maddox's 1st Birthday Party was held at Mama Les and Grandpa's house on June 7th, since they have the pool (thank goodness since it ended up being 100 degrees out) and a great backyard setup and a big eating area inside. Even though Mama Les was ill, with the help of Aunt Staci and Linda J, we got everything set up and the party was a great success. Nana, Granddad, and Uncles Zach, Luke, and Nathaniel all flew in for a visit too (not to mention some other out of town friends). I finally found a use for all of the monthly "sign" pictures I take of Maddox as they became the decorations on the buffet tables. Take a look.

I also made the image on the cake and had Publix make it as a photo cake and it turned out great too.
We had a total of about 45 people come to the party and it was a great mix of kids and adults and close family friends. We decided to try to keep the guest list manageable and just invite friends with kids around Maddox's age and close family friends. Maddox had a blast and clearly had no idea what was going on other than the fact that he had tons of time to play in the pool (quickly becoming his favorite pass time). Thanks so much to everyone who came (especially to Staci, Linda J, and Jeanette for all their HARD work). We missed those that couldn't make it as well. Here are some additional pictures. The full lot of pictures is in the Maddox Pictures Month 12 album link under Picture Albums, so enjoy!

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