Welcome to our blog!

I have decided to start a blog as a way to keep the people we love up to date on what is happening in our lives. Really, it's a way for me to keep friends and family in the loop on what is going on with our son, Maddox. Being that everyone is scattered all over the place, I felt that this might be the best way. I will try to keep things as up to date as possible. Feel free to visit, leave comments or completely ignore it. Enjoy!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Late Summer Catch Up

Oh goodness! I have been absolutely terrible about updates this summer. I've been so busy with work and we've had illnesses all over the place and we went on vacation...

Bad excuses I know. I guess in a nutshell it's been a very hectic past couple of months. Maddox has gotten bigger and bigger and now has a ton of teeth (3 of which cut through while we were on vacation last week!). We have graduated into real "big boy" shoes and everything too!

We've spent most of the summer swimming in Mama Les' pool by ourselves and with friends (what's up B!). I'll post some adorable pictures of Maddox and Brendan swimming together...it is adorable. We also attended Mitchell's 1st Birthday Party which was a blast. We had Mitchell (and Lorann and Brad of course) over for dinner and playtime during the opening ceremony of the Olympics and the kids had a great time. I've also decided I must MUST visit China sometime in this lifetime.

We have also officially reached the end of another Purple Cobra Kickball season, so our Saturdays are finally free again. It'll be nice to not have to work around 2pm game times for a while.

We reached a bittersweet milestone a couple of weeks ago. We had our 1yr anniversary at Gymboree. I remember the first day I brought Maddox to Gymboree when he was 2mths old. I cannot believe how far we've come in a years time. Absolutely amazing! I cannot speak highly enough of Gymboree and the great classes they offer. I truly believe Maddox would not have reached his milestones as soon as he has without it.

We are still continuing with our Pilates classes and playgroups and looking forward to a great Fall. More posts to come with pictures from a shoot at our house and vacation pictures :).

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