Welcome to our blog!
I have decided to start a blog as a way to keep the people we love up to date on what is happening in our lives. Really, it's a way for me to keep friends and family in the loop on what is going on with our son, Maddox. Being that everyone is scattered all over the place, I felt that this might be the best way. I will try to keep things as up to date as possible. Feel free to visit, leave comments or completely ignore it. Enjoy!
Mother's Day 2008
Mother's Day was a great day this year and came at the end of a busy weekend. It started on Friday when I hosted our playgroup. There were 5 of us with our little ones and we were so busy chatting and chasing the kids, I didn't really get any pictures. I got one of Maddox and Parker (Maddox has Laura Beth's bow in his hair). Friday evening we met Lorann, Brad, and Mitchell for dinner. We wanted to hit the new CPK by our house, but the wait was kind of long. We ended up at our old stand by, Wild Wing. The kids had a great time and we stayed pretty far past their bedtimes. Saturday we had our kickball games and then on to Adam's 30th birthday party. It was a lot of fun, although we ended up heading home at 1030pm. No more late nights for us old folks. Since everyone had been hanging out, eating and drinking since 3pm it wasn't too pathetic that we were done so early.
Then came Sunday. I must say that I am truly spoiled. All the lovely chocolates, cards, and flowers were wonderful. Stefan was so thoughtful as always. He sent me flowers from "Maddox" and gave me the day off. It started out with coffee in bed and a pancake breakfast. He did two loads of laundry and spent most of the day playing and taking care of Maddox and Nelson. I was able to sit out on the deck and read for a while and relax. We then headed to Jason and Staci's for a family dinner. It was us, Jason and Staci, Bill and Les, Victor and Saba (Staci's parents), Donnie and Suzanne and their two boys (Staci's brother and sister-in-law), and Ed and Gail and Brendan. It was a mad house with all four of the kids, but a great time. The food was wonderful and the kids had a blast together. Some pictures are below.
Donnie with Scott
Stefan with Maddox and Brendan
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