Welcome to our blog!

I have decided to start a blog as a way to keep the people we love up to date on what is happening in our lives. Really, it's a way for me to keep friends and family in the loop on what is going on with our son, Maddox. Being that everyone is scattered all over the place, I felt that this might be the best way. I will try to keep things as up to date as possible. Feel free to visit, leave comments or completely ignore it. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend (Staci's Birthday) and Lasik

It's been a long time since my last post, but things have been terribly busy. We ended up having a terrific Memorial Day weekend which started off with adults-only dinner for Staci's birthday. Staci, Jason, Donnie, Suzanne, Stefan, and I went out to Lobster Bar for a fabulous dinner celebrating Staci's 29th birthday. It was so much fun for just us "brothers and sisters" to get out. We ate a ton and had a great evening together.

Saturday, we headed over to the Barnes' house for a BBQ. It was awesome of Ed and Gail to have us over and great to see some of our other friends that we haven't seen in a while. Especially Erin and Greg who got engaged since we'd seen them last. Maddox didn't have too much time to play with Brendan though, since Brendan slept during a big chunk of our time there, but they did get to a little bit. Brendan is growing like a weed and getting cuter by the day (if that's even possible).

Unfortunately, I woke up on Sunday with some sort of flu so we had to take a rain check on the BBQ at the Davis'. I was really upset about it, but we really did not want to get anyone sick. Thank goodness it didn't last and I was feeling better on Monday and Tuesday.

That following Friday (May 30th) I had Lasik eye surgery which is a big reason for the gap between posts :). It has been amazing. I cannot recommend Lasik enough for anyone with contacts and/or glasses. The procedure was quick and painless and the recovery is really easy. I was able to see almost perfectly when I sat up on the operating table! Within 24hrs my right eye was 20/20 and my left eye was 20/40 (which is what I was able to see with contacts/glasses). In the 2 weeks since, my left eye has just about caught up with my right. If anyone is interested, Marietta Eye Clinic is who I used. Dr. Corwin was fabulous as was the rest of his staff. He even hand-wrote me a thank you note after surgery. I highly recommend him for anyone interested :).

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